Amit Sood, Coach on Life and Spiritual Fulfilment

2. Free your Self-Expression: Be Assertive

Amit Sood

Unlock Your Self-expression, overcome Self-Consciousness 

This is the second instalment in a series of conversations aimed at facilitating ease and openness in self-expression, as well as overcoming barriers that hinder the direct and bold expression of feelings and convictions without inner turmoil. 

Self-consciousness originates from our inclination to judge. Cultivating self-love allows us to reduce our tendency to judge others as well.

'Here are some practical steps you can take:

1. Observe your self-talk:

Pay attention to what you say about yourself and reject negative self-talk. Take stock of everything you're doing right and embrace self-appreciation.

2. Avoid mental assessments and comparisons:

Watch your tendency to compare and assess yourself and judge others. Steer clear of people who undermine your confidence and fuel comparison. Surround yourself with individuals who uplift and support you.

3. Cultivate self-love and care:

Allow yourself to receive love and appreciation, and make self-care a priority.

4. Develop self-awareness:

Identify and own your strengths, fostering a deeper understanding of yourself.

5. Utilize affirmations:

Your words frame your self-image and worldview. Use positive affirmations to reinforce a confident mindset and counteract self-doubt. 

6. Embrace your uniqueness:

Be kind to yourself. Accept the aspects of yourself that you cannot change. Embrace your imperfections, laugh at your flaws, and appreciate your own humanness.

7. Overcome the spotlight effect:

Recognize that others are often less concerned with your actions than you may think. Don't let the fear of judgment hold you back.

8. Practice confidence:

Begin by pretending to be confident. Acting and speaking confidently, even when alone, can gradually build genuine confidence. Practice maintaining good posture, smiling, and speaking assertively and calmly.

9. Step outside your comfort zone:

Take small steps beyond what feels familiar and comfortable. Challenge yourself.

10. Embrace authenticity:

Allow your true self to shine through and be genuine in your interactions with others. 

11. Bring your whole self to conversations:

Express and share your feelings openly. Remember that you are entitled to your emotions and that expressing them is liberating.

12. Remember your true essence:

Recognize that you are not solely defined by your body, thoughts, or words. You are the indwelling immortal Self. Anchor your confidence in the understanding of who you truly are.

Let your authentic, powerful self shine through.

Honour this Self through integrity and by staying true to your core values. By doing so, you will cultivate a deep sense of confidence and inner strength.

Video of the same talk-

#selfconsciousness #assertiveness #selfdevelopment #selfawareness #coaching

I'm Amit, I am a Life Coach.
On this channel, I share my learnings as a Coach and a student of Life and Spirituality.
